by Kieron McFadden

The media daily runs a very nasty little control operation on the public. It reports problem, problem, problem, problem with no understanding and rarely, if ever, any solution. Certainly the message so far as the ordinary reader is concerned is "There's nothing YOU can do about any of this, so we guess you're stuck with it!" It was with some considerable chagrin then that I realised one day I was doing much the same thing!

Pretty soon the reader starts to feel overwhelmed and switches off, turns to the sports page or the funnies or, if on the internet, clicks over to the latest weight-loss fad or how to clean the drains - something which isn't a threat or about which he DOES have some chance of doing something.

People are bombarded with this stuff from the moment they wake up until the moment they nod off. No wonder they get depressed and reach for the Prozac to make it all go away! Psycho-pharmacy 1: Citizens 0.

It was with some considerable chagrin then that I realised one day I was doing much the same thing! I was so busy telling people how bad psychiatry is, how criminal the pharmaceutical corporations are, how dreadful the banking cartels and their monetary scam and so forth, I was rather long on the bad news and painfully short on solutions.

It is not that workable solutions do not exist, not that we cannot do anything about all this, not that we are powerless to change things. Far from it; the opposite is actually true and we stand in fact on the threshold of major change for the better. Psychiatry for example is on the way out, its seedy empire threatens at any moment to collapse like a house of cards. Articles exposing it and the writers thereof proliferate as do the readers who heed them and every time you read one you become that much more empowered against the skullduggery of the defamers of Man and the spoilers of his children.

All that was missing vis a vis the solutions was that I neglected to tell you much about them.
So here I was, busy telling you how dreadful it all is, where you must not walk, so to speak, but forgetting to mention where you CAN walk to get you safely across the minefield. Not very bright of me that.

It is fine and indeed necessary to expose crimes and bring them to your attention. You have the right to know, for example, that loonies are needlessly drugging kids in Florida, if only because it begs questions such as: if it's happening in Florida, drugging being the stock-in-trade solution of the psycho-pharmacy worldwide, where else is it happening? Where else are they labeling kids mentally ill as an excuse to drug them so as to keep them quiet and reduce the work load? Or: why are they in such a hurry to drug kids in the first place when the horrific side effects of the drugs may well damage them for life both mentally and physically. And: why are they neglecting the workable alternatives to drugging? Why are governments so quick to ban smoking yet do nothing to ban the practice of drugging children?

It is fine too to warn someone thinking of seeing a psychiatrist or start on anti-depressants not to do it.

But where does that of itself leave people except with one more thing to worry about?
Take the poor chap suffering from depression. Now depression is REAL. It is not imagined. It is also an absolute nightmare that destroys your life once it gets its hooks into you. Believe me, I've been there. The last thing you need to hear is that the expert you thought would be able to help you is a charlatan, the pills he prescribes can wreck your life more thoroughly than you dreamed possible, and your depression is in the hands of madmen whose aggregate efforts in the field of mental health have been to drive the world mad.

Many people even now, culture lag being what it is, still assume that behind psychiatry there lies some know-how in the area of making people well and that their drugs represent the best solutions on offer. The psycho pharmacy of course has worked very hard and spared no expense to market this myth. As a result, the majority of people are unaware of how far advanced, for instance, are modern nutrition and allied fields and that for almost every drug touted by the psycho-pharmacy as a cure for some mental or physical ailment, there is a safe, effective alternative - and often more than one.

The psycho-pharmacy has been surpassed. Unfortunately those who have surpassed it, being concerned with healing rather than profit, making people well rather than making them a source of revenue, have proven not quite so good at being just plain ornery.

The system is rigged so that the psycho-pharmacy boys usually get there first and so there is an element of culture lag; the society takes decades to adjust to new scientific realities.

Thus when you inform people of, for example, psychiatric human rights abuses and they get it that these people cannot be trusted, where does that leave them? They still have their depression and they are still desperate for relief.

If you broke your leg for example and were in agony and the only pain killer you knew about was a bottle of green goo with a list of side effects as long as your arm being sold by some disreputable looking bloke on the street corner, you'd take the suspect green goo wouldn't you? Any port, as they say, in a storm.

Unless of course someone told you where you could get hold of something better and safer.
Thus, exposing the psycho-pharmacy for the rotten, money-grubbing charlatanry that it is, is only half the job if you are serious about helping make a better world.

You must also inform people of where they CAN go and what they CAN do to effectively relieve the suffering of themselves or someone they love.

To that end then I started Better-Than-Drugs.Com

I will go on doing what I can to bring to your attention the crimes and iniquities of certain vested-interest groups whose joint endeavours have all but wrecked our culture.

But I will also do my best to develop the Better-Than-Drugs project so that you will know what you CAN do, both to help yourself and help your fellow man. Please do visit my new website

Please also visit and find out about a product I consider to be a true breakthrough in nutrition. The days of a worn out, sickly, drugged population are almost over!

Let us all leave this Dark Age by the nearest exit and go find us some sunlight.

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